Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Training Project: Human Rights and Film Crew

"A healthy business ecosystem is a web of mutually beneficial partnerships that enhance the quality of life and add value to everything and everyone taking part in the journey." ~Spirit Wolf Entertainment Value Statement. "An entrepreneur is someone who is willing to live a few years like most people won't, so that he can spend the rest of his life like most people can't." - UnknownAs part of an inter-related group of non-arm's length projects, the internal College for Production Film Professionals is designed to build a top tier production company capable of big budget theatrical film production. Students are expected to behave as employees from Day One. They will participate in a highly cooperative, non-standard training program intended to develop good work habits organically through experience; develop corporate resources and assets for film production; as well as act as film crew for several commercial projects where their labor is an intrinsic part of the production budget. They will be living in various conditions mimicking real-world situations as regards film production - both low and high budget.This will include tents, off-road remote locations, urban environments with limited accessibility, travel under various conditions that could range from RV to camelback. They will be expected to fill all production positions under professional supervision. As such, they will be required to move equipment under all weather conditions, put up and take down stages, sets, and living accommodations. They will be required to participate in all cooking, cleaning, and kitchen duties. The goal is not just to train someone who could fill one specific job role within an established production company, but for students to participate in the actual production of several independent film and tv projects where their participation is a way to finance the projects, and to train future employees who will be expected to operate within a highly mobile and flexible film crew in terms of cross training and the ability to adapt to unpredictable situations domestically and overseas. Students will be expected to create and facilitate several community tie-in projects that will have various levels of visibility as charity or special interest projects. As a result, the students and the productions activities will be under scrutiny from special interest and political groups even before any films are made public. Film crew experience unique challenges when it comes to human rights. Not only do they have their personal human rights as employees to consider, but they are often working in environments where not only are gross human rights violations occurring, but they are often asked to intervene, aid or assist - either directly or through the film medium, and the actual human rights legislation or their perception of it or its current state of enforceability or of being enforced, may be vastly different from reality. The focus and goal for this project is for the internship students to develop an internal training program outside and beyond the traditional classroom HR training at the university level to create knowledge and awareness of the specific humans rights issues the film students are likely to encounter as film professionals. This needs to be in a form that can be converted to a practical in-field series of scheduled and coordinated training moments that can be integrated as on-the-job training.This training program needs to be incorporated over four years - with the most critical initial situational evaluation training given in first year - as the entire school is anticipated to be spending a year working overseas (currently planned for 2028) in production locations that will include China, India, and North Africa.We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern team using these communication tools: Riipen messaging, Zoom, emailStudent's primary contact: Natalie Durdle (owner, Otsukaiban/Spirit Wolf Productions)

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 1
Category Communications + 3

Branded Rally Event: LA Motorcycle Company

I am looking to create a (no-strings attached) business to business unsolicited project pitch for a US-based motorcycle company in Los Angeles. This company is not currently a client or partner of Otsukaiban and this is to be in the nature of an icebreaker.The company is still in the start-up phase, creates luxury American-made custom motorcycles, and prides itself on creating a riding experience for the customer. The rally event would be a luxury event targeted at business clients interested in combining a business networking opportunity with a motorcycle bonding experience.As per the course description, I would be looking to have the students analyze and provide insight and recommendations regarding the creation and launch of this event by providing a complete business plan that can be used not only to back-up the pitch for the project, but to be used by Otsukaiban to structure the pitch.Due to the nature of this project, students will be asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Future employment obviously cannot be promised, nor can company swag be given using this merchandise as we do not have permission to utilize the brand in public, but Otsukaiban will commit to making sure your resumes and contact information are forwarded to the company. More information on the company will be added upon digital receipt of signed NDA.

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 1
Category Communications + 2

Consumer Stimuli: LA Motorcycle Company

I am looking to create a (no-strings attached) business to business unsolicited project pitch for a US-based motorcycle company in Los Angeles. This company is not currently a client or partner of Otsukaiban and this is to be in the nature of an icebreaker.The company is still in the start-up phase, creates luxury American-made custom motorcycles, and prides itself on creating a riding experience for the customer.I would be looking to have the students complete a full analysis as per the course description of the publicly available media consumables including docu-ads, YouTube marketing, Facebook page, client testimonials, etc. Due to the nature of this project, students will be asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Future employment obviously cannot be promised, nor can company swag be given using this merchandise as we do not have permission to utilize the brand in public, but Otsukaiban will commit to making sure your resumes and contact information are forwarded to the company. More information on the company will be added upon digital receipt of signed NDA.

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 1
Category Communications + 2

Accessibility Analysis and Defense: Proposed Film School

"A healthy business ecosystem is a web of mutually beneficial partnerships that enhance the quality of life and add value to everything and everyone taking part in the journey." ~Spirit Wolf Entertainment Value Statement. "An entrepreneur is someone who is willing to live a few years like most people won't, so that he can spend the rest of his life like most people can't." - UnknownAs part of an inter-related group of non-arm's length projects, the internal College for Production Film Professionals is designed to build a top tier production company capable of big budget theatrical film production. Students are expected to behave as employees from Day One. They will participate in a highly cooperative, non-standard training program intended to develop good work habits organically through experience; develop corporate resources and assets for film production; as well as act as film crew for several commercial projects where their labor is an intrinsic part of the production budget. They will be living in various conditions mimicking real-world situations as regards film production - both low and high budget.This will include tents, off-road remote locations, urban environments with limited accessibility, travel under various conditions that could range from RV to camelback. They will be expected to fill all production positions under professional supervision. As such, they will be required to move equipment under all weather conditions, put up and take down stages, sets, and living accommodations. They will be required to participate in all cooking, cleaning, and kitchen duties. The goal is not just to train someone who could fill one specific job role within an established production company, but for students to participate in the actual production of several independent film and tv projects where their participation is a way to finance the projects, and to train future employees who will be expected to operate within a highly mobile and flexible film crew in terms of cross training and the ability to adapt to unpredictable situations domestically and overseas. Students will be expected to create and facilitate several community tie-in projects that will have various levels of visibility as charity or special interest projects. As a result, the students and the productions activities will be under scrutiny from special interest and political groups even before any films are made public. The primary focus for the internship/work experience team is to assess the inclusiveness/accessibility of the film school's proposed curriculum design. Review, research and make recommendations for improvement regarding the equity of practices and/or opportunities within a specific group, neighborhood or organization.Our goal at the end of this experience is: To have the planned course of studies examined (within the limits of student training) for ethical responsibility as far as accessibility expectations, known legal obligations with regard to national and provincial human rights legislation and government funding , as well as anticipated political criticism. However, far from simply recommending how to avoid this criticism, the students will be expected to analyze the complaints for validity in terms of the curriculum mandate and bona fide occupational exceptions.The report (which is intended to be used in the construction of business plans, and grant proposals) will need to not only provide a defense for areas of contention if warranted, but to develop suggestions during the internship and feedback process for reasonable alterations to the curriculum where needed. We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern team using these communication tools: Riipen messaging, Zoom, emailStudent's primary contact: Natalie Durdle (owner, Otsukaiban/Spirit Wolf Productions)

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 1
Category Communications + 3

Tax Assessment: RRSP Zero Coupon Bonds for Film Investment

Blue Dragon Investment Bank (and its foreign subsidiaries) will primarily be developed to meet the internal investment and film development needs of Blue Dragon Film Ventures (also a start-up). Blue Dragon Film Ventures is designed to leverage the returns from high-revenue film and tv projects to fund biomedical research into embryonic stem cell engineering as well as create clinical resources not currently being funded by the Canadian medical system.At this time, it appears as if the primary bank will be US with a Canadian subsidiary branch. The flagship product is designed however, to be utilized by Canadian and US citizens while working in Canada on film projects, and as a result, are eligible to invest in RRSPs and TFSA. I am looking for an assessment on the tax implications for this specific investment. The target customer will be one of six types:Canadian citizens living permanently in Canada.Canadian citizens who subsequently move to the US and become residents at some point during the taxation year.Canadian citizens who subsequently move to the US and become residents after the relevant taxation year. US citizens who move back to the US at some point during the taxation year.US citizens who move back to the US after the relevant taxation year.US citizens who apply for permanent resident status in Canada.The information provided needs to be of the type that would be utilized as follows:In a prospectus being sent to potential investors or board members for the new bank soliciting their participation in the projectUsed on the website and marketing literature to explain the investment, its tax implications, and answer any questions they might need before being referred to a tax accountant they would be required to pay.Used by any sales or call center representatives confidently before exceeding what they can legally say as non-tax professionals.The bond itself will be a privately issued bond by Blue Dragon Film Ventures and underwritten by Blue Dragon Investment Bank. The person receiving the bonds will be film professionals who are familiar with the industry in which they work and are aware of the risks associated with deals involving back-end revenue on film projects.They will receive the bonds in lieu of cash in exchange for their services at reasonable market rates, although potentially not SAG/union rates. This will constitute their investment in the film project, essentially in exchange for their labor.Blue Dragon Film Ventures will agree to pay back the amount agreed upon in a balloon payment of double the amount on the fifth anniversary. So, for example, if the crewmember agrees to invest $10,000 Canadian dollars, they will receive $20,000 in five years time. An estimated 15% return. Blue Dragon Film Ventures may or may not provide liens against the anticipated revenue of the film projects as surety, depending on the requirements of the underwriting at the time.Crewmembers will have the option to hold these bonds in a TFSA either by choice or because the amount invested exceeds their RRSP room. Should they chose not to hold them in either, they will be held as normal zero-coupon bonds. Subject to legal requirements , crewmembers will not have a cash in-lieu-of option.

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 1
Category Market research + 4

Homelessness: Business-centric Drop-in (Biz Plan)

A healthy business ecosystem is a web of mutually beneficial partnerships that enhance the quality of life and add value to everything and everyone taking part in the journey." ~Otsukaiban and Spirit Wolf EntertainmentRecognizing that the film industry faces particular challenges with regard to business start-up and vulnerability to homelessness, Otsukaiban would like to explore creating a business-centric drop-in in Montreal, providing on-site third-party virtual office and courier services aimed at the homeless population of the city from within a larger drop-in facility designed to encourage back-to-work and entrepreneurial endeavors.My hope for this project is to have a business plan created that can be provided to the local stakeholders being propositioned for partnerships, sponsorships, or cooperative venture. As the drop-in does not exist yet, students will need to take the information given and in some cases propose specific program structures, ways to identify and divert the target homeless population, as well as how these programs might be coordinated with the existing local stakeholders.We would communicate using Zoom and Riipen messaging, using the project document to maintain an FAQ database.Primary contact: Natalie Durdle (owner, Otsukaiban)

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 0
Category Media + 2

Energy Efficient Shipping Container Design

"A healthy business ecosystem is a web of mutually beneficial partnerships that enhance the quality of life and add value to everything and everyone taking part in the journey." ~Spirit Wolf Entertainment Value Statement. "An entrepreneur is someone who is willing to live a few years like most people won't, so that he can spend the rest of his life like most people can't." - UnknownAs part of an inter-related group of non-arm's length projects, the internal College for Production Film Professionals is designed to build a top tier production company capable of big budget theatrical film production. Students are expected to behave as employees from Day One. They will participate in a highly cooperative, non-standard training program intended to develop good work habits organically through experience; develop corporate resources and assets for film production; as well as act as film crew for several commercial projects where their labor is an intrinsic part of the production budget. They will be living in various conditions mimicking real-world situations as regards film production - both low and high budget.This will include tents, off-road remote locations, urban environments with limited accessibility, travel under various conditions that could range from RV to camelback. They will be expected to fill all production positions under professional supervision. As such, they will be required to move equipment under all weather conditions, put up and take down stages, sets, and living accommodations. They will be required to participate in all cooking, cleaning, and kitchen duties. The goal is not just to train someone who could fill one specific job role within an established production company, but for students to participate in the actual production of several independent film and tv projects where their participation is a way to finance the projects, and to train future employees who will be expected to operate within a highly mobile and flexible film crew in terms of cross training and the ability to adapt to unpredictable situations domestically and overseas. Our primary focus and goal for this project would be for the students to create a recommended theoretical design for a 20' shipping container to be turned into a maximum energy efficient room/office. The design must be based within the understanding that relatively novice film students will be renovating the shipping containers. The goal is cold winter capable (-40 degrees celsius),cold winter comfortable (-25 degrees celsius) without energy inputs above the design (ie, extra space heaters). Toilets are not required, but a small fridge and small appliance capability is needed. Solar panels are the likely energy source aside from city power.We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern team using these communication tools: Riipen messaging, Zoom, emailStudent's primary contact: Natalie Durdle (owner, Otsukaiban/Spirit Wolf Productions)

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 1
Category Communications + 3

Combating Homelessness: Business-centric Drop-in

A healthy business ecosystem is a web of mutually beneficial partnerships that enhance the quality of life and add value to everything and everyone taking part in the journey." ~Otsukaiban and Spirit Wolf EntertainmentRecognizing that the film industry faces particular challenges with regard to business start-up and vulnerability to homelessness, Otsukaiban would like to explore creating a business-centric drop-in in Montreal, providing on-site third-party virtual office and courier services aimed at the homeless population of the city from within a larger drop-in facility designed to encourage back-to-work and entrepreneurial endeavors.My hope for this project is to have a value proposition (document) created that can be provided to the local stakeholders being propositioned for partnerships, sponsorships, or cooperative venture. As none of these services exist yet, students will need to take the information given and in some cases propose specific program structures, ways to identify and divert the target homeless population, as well as how these programs might be coordinated with the existing local stakeholders.We would communicate using Zoom and Riipen messaging, using the project document to maintain an FAQ database.Primary contact: Natalie Durdle (owner, Otsukaiban)

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 0
Category Media + 2

T-Shirt Design Research: LA Motorcycle Company

I am looking to create a (no-strings attached) business to business unsolicited business pitch for a US-based motorcycle company in Los Angeles. This company is not currently a client or partner of Otsukaiban and this is to be in the nature of an icebreaker.The company is still in the start-up phase, creates luxury American-made custom motorcycles, and prides itself on creating a riding experience for the customer.I would be looking to have the students complete a focus group designed to target market segment preferences in typefont and graphics to determine psychographic preferences that can be used to create a Rally T-Shirt design. Students will need to use a similar, but not actual market segment to avoid potentially identifying the company and giving misleading information about a Rally and company involvement that does not, at this time, exist. Due to the nature of this project, students will be asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Future employment obviously cannot be promised, nor can company swag be given using this merchandise as we do not have permission to utilize the brand in public, but Otsukaiban will commit to making sure your resumes and contact information are forwarded to the company. More information on the company will be added upon digital receipt of signed NDA.

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 0
Category Media + 2

Market Analysis

Blue Dragon Film Ventures is looking to create a large-scale fandom event for a film and tv development pitch. This not-for-profit event will be donating the proceeds to a worthy, but proud segment of the industry. We would like the students to analyze the market not just for feasibility, but the best way to present the strategy pitch so as to generate enthusiasm and support without humiliati the recipients to the point they never leave their homes again.To accomplish this, you could focus on providing:A complete analysis of our planned event, our target market, and the positioning of our message.Executing market research to develop a comprehensive report of our target market in order to maximize proceeds.We hope to gain a comprehensive understanding of our target market and how we can better satisfy their needs. We would like recommendations on how to improve our positioning, message, and product to better suit the market.

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 0
Category Fundraising + 3

Competitive Compensation Analysis

Blue Dragon Film Ventures is a multi-stakeholder worker-cooperative in development. Using barter dollars, an intentional community, and cooperative film and tv projects, Blue Dragon aims to provide employment, housing, and an exciting work/life balance to Canadian and US veterans and veteran first responders. We want to make sure that we outshine industry competitors as far as compensation packages - particularly in light of the barter dollar system we will be using. We are looking for research and analysis we can take to the new employees and ensure a solid explanation that not only makes sense, but excites.

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 0
Category Competitive analysis + 3

Event Business Plan

Otsukaiban is a boutique baby business incubator designed to create and manage the third party projects for non-arm's length business partners.As part of a promotional pitch to create a large-scale film and tv development event, we are looking to create a fan-based convention extravaganza in the city of Montreal. We will have the preliminary pizazz, we will need the students to provide the polish.I can provide access to internal documentation and other information as needed as well as access to key contacts. Based on the unique goals and constraints of the project, I would like students to develop a strong, competitive business plan, which can be presented to the government and industry stakeholders.The plan should include:Sales forecastingExpense budgetIncome projections (conservative and aggressive)Assets and liabilitiesBreak-even analysis

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 0
Category Financial modeling + 2

New Market Research: Film Distribution

"A healthy business ecosystem is a web of mutually beneficial partnerships that enhance the quality of life and add value to everything and everyone taking part in the journey." ~Spirit Wolf Entertainment Value Statement. "An entrepreneur is someone who is willing to live a few years like most people won't, so that he can spend the rest of his life like most people can't." - UnknownAs part of an inter-related group of non-arm's length projects, the internal College for Production Film Professionals is designed to build a top tier production company capable of big budget theatrical film production. Students are expected to behave as employees from Day One. They will participate in a highly cooperative, non-standard training program intended to develop good work habits organically through experience; develop corporate resources and assets for film production; as well as act as film crew for several commercial projects where their labor is an intrinsic part of the production budget. They will be living in various conditions mimicking real-world situations as regards film production - both low and high budget.This will include tents, off-road remote locations, urban environments with limited accessibility, travel under various conditions that could range from RV to camelback. They will be expected to fill all production positions under professional supervision. As such, they will be required to move equipment under all weather conditions, put up and take down stages, sets, and living accommodations. They will be required to participate in all cooking, cleaning, and kitchen duties. The goal is not just to train someone who could fill one specific job role within an established production company, but for students to participate in the actual production of several independent film and tv projects where their participation is a way to finance the projects, and to train future employees who will be expected to operate within a highly mobile and flexible film crew in terms of cross training and the ability to adapt to unpredictable situations domestically and overseas.The focus and goal of this project would be for the MBA student(s) to analyze and report on the state of the film distribution market in India with an eye to providing the information and written instructions the film students would need to develop an internal distribution protocol for project planning, applying for funding, and distributing a finished production in India. We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern team using these communication tools: Riipen messaging, Zoom, emailStudent's primary contact: Natalie Durdle (owner, Otsukaiban/Spirit Wolf Productions)

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 0
Category Market research + 2

Global Logistics Research: Film School

"A healthy business ecosystem is a web of mutually beneficial partnerships that enhance the quality of life and add value to everything and everyone taking part in the journey." ~Spirit Wolf Entertainment Value Statement. "An entrepreneur is someone who is willing to live a few years like most people won't, so that he can spend the rest of his life like most people can't." - UnknownAs part of an inter-related group of non-arm's length projects, the internal College for Production Film Professionals is designed to build a top tier production company capable of big budget theatrical film production. Students are expected to behave as employees from Day One. They will participate in a highly cooperative, non-standard training program intended to develop good work habits organically through experience; develop corporate resources and assets for film production; as well as act as film crew for several commercial projects where their labor is an intrinsic part of the production budget. They will be living in various conditions mimicking real-world situations as regards film production - both low and high budget.This will include tents, off-road remote locations, urban environments with limited accessibility, travel under various conditions that could range from RV to camelback. They will be expected to fill all production positions under professional supervision. As such, they will be required to move equipment under all weather conditions, put up and take down stages, sets, and living accommodations. They will be required to participate in all cooking, cleaning, and kitchen duties. The goal is not just to train someone who could fill one specific job role within an established production company, but for students to participate in the actual production of several independent film and tv projects where their participation is a way to finance the projects, and to train future employees who will be expected to operate within a highly mobile and flexible film crew in terms of cross training and the ability to adapt to unpredictable situations domestically and overseas.Film assets (including fabric, tools, catering equipment, shipping containers) will need to be ordered and shipped from China, India, and Marrakesh via ocean shipping. Priorities include : cost control, ethical sourcing, supply chain management, determining the supply chain as well as how to make certain the shipping containers are new, never been used given they will be used to create mobile offices and apartments after arrival in Montreal.The focus and goal of this project would be for the students to utilize their global logistics training to figure out how to manage this need and provide all checklists and contact information as well as necessary import/export documentation instruction in written format.We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern team using these communication tools: Riipen messaging, Zoom, emailStudent's primary contact: Natalie Durdle (owner, Otsukaiban/Spirit Wolf Productions)

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 0
Category Communications + 3

Marketing Research: Film School

"A healthy business ecosystem is a web of mutually beneficial partnerships that enhance the quality of life and add value to everything and everyone taking part in the journey." ~Spirit Wolf Entertainment Value Statement. "An entrepreneur is someone who is willing to live a few years like most people won't, so that he can spend the rest of his life like most people can't." - UnknownAs part of an inter-related group of non-arm's length projects, the internal College for Production Film Professionals is designed to build a top tier production company capable of big budget theatrical film production. Students are expected to behave as employees from Day One. They will participate in a highly cooperative, non-standard training program intended to develop good work habits organically through experience; develop corporate resources and assets for film production; as well as act as film crew for several commercial projects where their labor is an intrinsic part of the production budget. They will be living in various conditions mimicking real-world situations as regards film production - both low and high budget.This will include tents, off-road remote locations, urban environments with limited accessibility, travel under various conditions that could range from RV to camelback. They will be expected to fill all production positions under professional supervision. As such, they will be required to move equipment under all weather conditions, put up and take down stages, sets, and living accommodations. They will be required to participate in all cooking, cleaning, and kitchen duties. The goal is not just to train someone who could fill one specific job role within an established production company, but for students to participate in the actual production of several independent film and tv projects where their participation is a way to finance the projects, and to train future employees who will be expected to operate within a highly mobile and flexible film crew in terms of cross training and the ability to adapt to unpredictable situations domestically and overseas. Our primary focus and goal for this project would be to identify the existing gaps between perception and reality experienced by the graduates of existing competitor training programs. Areas should address costs, job market expectations, barriers to employment in the industry and the numbers to back any conclusions. In other words, what makes the existing after schooling labor market a disappointment. Students will need to identify the market segment, locate the graduates, and acquire the necessary data. We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern team using these communication tools: Riipen messaging, Zoom, emailStudent's primary contact: Natalie Durdle (owner, Otsukaiban/Spirit Wolf Productions)

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 0
Category Communications + 3

Media Copy: LA Motorcycle Company

I am looking to create a (no-strings attached) business to business christmas gift for a US-based motorcycle company in Los Angeles. This company is not currently a client or partner of Otsukaiban and this is to be in the nature of an unsolicited icebreaker.The company is still in the start-up phase, creates luxury American-made custom motorcycles, and prides itself on creating a riding experience for the customer.I would be looking to have the students complete a full series of pre-written social media tweets, blog posts, and emailers for the planned launch of a large annual event. The goal of the project is to provide all of the copy that will be needed to slot into pre-designed templates. Over the course of a year, the copy must announce, generate buzz, convert existing owners to event participants, generate sales, maintain excitement and after event customer service and care. Due to the nature of this project, students will be asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Future employment obviously cannot be promised, nor can company swag be given using this merchandise as we do not have permission to utilize the brand in public, but Otsukaiban will commit to making sure your resumes and contact information are forwarded to the company. More information on the company will be added upon digital receipt of signed NDA.

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 0
Category Media + 2

Sponsorship Package: Film School

"A healthy business ecosystem is a web of mutually beneficial partnerships that enhance the quality of life and add value to everything and everyone taking part in the journey." ~Spirit Wolf Entertainment Value Statement. "An entrepreneur is someone who is willing to live a few years like most people won't, so that he can spend the rest of his life like most people can't." - UnknownAs part of an inter-related group of non-arm's length projects, the internal College for Production Film Professionals is designed to build a top tier production company capable of big budget theatrical film production. (The estimated Day One of classes is May 6, 2024)Students are expected to behave as employees from Day One. They will participate in a highly cooperative, non-standard training program intended to develop good work habits organically through experience; develop corporate resources and assets for film production; as well as act as film crew for several commercial projects where their labor is an intrinsic part of the production budget. They will be living in various conditions mimicking real-world situations as regards film production - both low and high budget.This will include tents, off-road remote locations, urban environments with limited accessibility, travel under various conditions that could range from RV to camelback. They will be expected to fill all production positions under professional supervision. As such, they will be required to move equipment under all weather conditions, put up and take down stages, sets, and living accommodations. They will be required to participate in all cooking, cleaning, and kitchen duties. The goal is not just to train someone who could fill one specific job role within an established production company, but for students to participate in the actual production of several independent film and tv projects where their participation is a way to finance the projects, and to train future employees who will be expected to operate within a highly mobile and flexible film crew in terms of cross training and the ability to adapt to unpredictable situations domestically and overseas. Students will be expected to create and facilitate several community tie-in projects that will have various levels of visibility as charity or special interest projects. As a result, the students and the productions activities will be under scrutiny from special interest and political groups even before any films are made public. Many of the skills needed, will be learned on the job through a combination of minimal theory training and practical reinforcement. One of the skills they will learn will be introductory construction techniques, identical to that of the average DIY homeowner. Spirit Wolf would like to approach a national online home building supply retailer regarding a partnership that would include discounted and/or donated tools and building supplies. Due to the nature of this project, participants will need to provide a signed NDA.We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern team using these communication tools: Riipen messaging, Zoom, emailStudent's primary contact: Natalie Durdle (owner, Otsukaiban/Spirit Wolf Productions)

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 1
Category Communications + 3

Inclusion Analysis: Film School Graduates

"A healthy business ecosystem is a web of mutually beneficial partnerships that enhance the quality of life and add value to everything and everyone taking part in the journey." ~Spirit Wolf Entertainment Value Statement. "An entrepreneur is someone who is willing to live a few years like most people won't, so that he can spend the rest of his life like most people can't." - UnknownAs part of an inter-related group of non-arm's length projects, the internal College for Production Film Professionals is designed to build a top tier production company capable of big budget theatrical film production. Students are expected to behave as employees from Day One. They will participate in a highly cooperative, non-standard training program intended to develop good work habits organically through experience; develop corporate resources and assets for film production; as well as act as film crew for several commercial projects where their labor is an intrinsic part of the production budget. They will be living in various conditions mimicking real-world situations as regards film production - both low and high budget.This will include tents, off-road remote locations, urban environments with limited accessibility, travel under various conditions that could range from RV to camelback. They will be expected to fill all production positions under professional supervision. As such, they will be required to move equipment under all weather conditions, put up and take down stages, sets, and living accommodations. They will be required to participate in all cooking, cleaning, and kitchen duties. The goal is not just to train someone who could fill one specific job role within an established production company, but for students to participate in the actual production of several independent film and tv projects where their participation is a way to finance the projects, and to train future employees who will be expected to operate within a highly mobile and flexible film crew in terms of cross training and the ability to adapt to unpredictable situations domestically and overseas. Students will be expected to create and facilitate several community tie-in projects that will have various levels of visibility as charity or special interest projects. As a result, the students and the productions activities will be under scrutiny from special interest and political groups even before any films are made public. The primary focus for the internship has been taken from the Riipen course description. Develop a program to support the inclusion, engagement and retention of diverse employees (e.g., women, ethnic minorities, LGBT)Our goal at the end of this experience is: To have the planned course of studies examined from the viewpoint that the training program will closely mimic the type of employment Spirit Wolf and related production companies will provide. The goal here would first be to identify if there are actual known issues in this industry from the perception outside the industry (the student pool) that would limit their inclusion as employees, analyze whether this is actually a problem for the intended job environment and develop a defense and/or plan to ameliorate perceived or actual limitations.The report (which is intended to be used in the construction of business plans, and grant proposals) will need to not only provide a defense for areas of contention if warranted, but to develop suggestions during the internship and feedback process for reasonable alterations to the curriculum where needed. We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern team using these communication tools: Riipen messaging, Zoom, emailStudent's primary contact: Natalie Durdle (owner, Otsukaiban/Spirit Wolf Productions)

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 1
Category Communications + 3

Brand Style Guide: Los Angeles Motorcycle Company

I am looking to create a (no-strings attached) business to business christmas gift for a US-based motorcycle company in Los Angeles. This company is not currently a client or partner of Otsukaiban and this is to be in the nature of an unsolicited icebreaker. The company is still in the start-up phase and creates luxury American-made custom motorcycles and prides itself on creating a riding experience for the customer.I would be looking for the teams to maintain the existing logo and style as much as possible, while tailoring the guides to the following uses:A guide based on existing logos to be used for letterhead, envelopes, business cards, brochures, for exampleA guide adapted to website useA guide specialized for t-shirts, hats, and fabric company swag such as totes to be given away at both American and European marketing events.A guide specialized for social media marketingA guide specialized for leather goods such as luxury motorcycle jackets and panniers.A guide specialized for print media marketing when creating full color ads in magazines targeted at motorcycle enthusiasts, law enforcement, and the military.Due to the nature of this project, students will be asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Future employment obviously cannot be promised, nor can company swag be given using this merchandise as we do not have permission to utilize the brand in public, but Otsukaiban will commit to making sure your resumes and contact information are forwarded to the company. As much as possible, you will be asked to replicate the tone and feel of the existing website on Facebook. More information on the company will be added upon digital receipt of signed NDA.

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 0
Category Media + 2

Design: Field Research STEM Lab

Blue Dragon Film Ventures is in development as a multi-stakeholder worker-cooperative. Using barter dollars, an intentional community, and cooperative film and tv projects, Blue Dragon aims to provide employment, housing, and an exciting work/life balance to Canadian and US veterans and veteran first responders.As part of that mandate and using a scholarship reimbursement program (to be) entitled the Injured Eagle Benefit Program, Blue Dragon will actively recruit graduates from various fields (expected start-date 2025) to fill internship roles with an industry partner where the graduates will spilt their labor 50/50 between the sponsor and an internal Blue Dragon project. One of these projects will be to develop a world class research program in embryonic stem-cell and tissue engineering techniques.

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 0
Category Data modelling + 4

Alien Language On-line Training Course

We would like to develop an on-line training course template that can be used to teach adult learners how to speak a completely alien language (Think Klingon) from beginner to functional. This project should focus on:Creating relevant course design and training templates as well as "Find and Replace" workbooks . The course will be presented as a virtual training program through platforms like Kajabi in a drip style.Content creation templates should be fun, aimed at adult fandom nerds who are learning this language to increase their enjoyment of community participation events but who may only have 15-20 minutes per segment. Consider the entire package: quizzes, workbooks, vocabulary games and exercises, etc. The whole enchildada.The project needs to be course design as well as content creation. However, due to the fact the language is not created yet, we need templates where we are given instruction and examples of what sort of material to develop for that spot.

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 0
Category Education + 2

CMS and Web Upgrade

Otsukaiban is a boutique business incubator designed to create and manage the in-house projects of non-arm's length partners.Blue Dragon Film Ventures needs a CMS as well as a website review.Through the use of a multi-stakeholder investor-worker cooperative (Blue Dragon), intentional community (The Food Security Project), and internal barter dollar (non-fungible, non-crypto), veterans and the veteran first-responder communities will be able to benefit from high revenue movie projects as well as creating investor-owned projects designed to offer employment, food security, housing, and low cost education and medical services.The students will be creating the first phase of a CMS designed to run concurrent with a MemberPress Community and MediaWiki marketing project.If you like the sound of this challenge, then I'd love to hear from you.

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 0
Category Website development + 3

Plan for New Product Launch

Otsukaiban is looking for students to create a dynamic new product launch that is aligned with our vision, mission, and sector. Students will be provided a clear understanding of what these elements are for our organization. Through the use of a multi-stakeholder investor-worker cooperative (Blue Dragon Film Ventures), intentional community, and internal barter dollar (non-fungible, non-crypto) system, veterans and the veteran community will be able to benefit from high revenue movie projects as well as creating investor-owned projects designed to offer employment, food security, housing, and low cost education and medical services to the veteran community.You will be creating the product launch for the basic membership package for Blue Dragon Film Ventures. Unlike the investor-employee memberships which will employee training programs as well as marketed primarily to the veteran community, the basic membership will essentially be a food coop. Although the goal is to assist veterans, veteran first responders, and their families and supporters, anyone can join. As a result, the marketing launch needs to reach a different market, while still integrating with the tone of the rest of the project.If you like the sound of this challenge, then I'd love to hear from you.When ready, the project will be incorporated into a complete project go-live anchored from a Kajabi Community.

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 0
Category Website development + 4

Web Identity Platform

Otsukaiban would like students to create a visually catchy and impactful website that is aligned with the corporate vision, mission, and sector. Through the use of a multi-stakeholder investor-worker cooperative, intentional community, and internal barter dollar (non-fungible, non-crypto) system, veterans and the veteran community will be able to benefit from high revenue movie projects as well as creating investor-owned projects designed to offer employment, food security, housing, and low cost education and medical services to the veteran community.The students will be creating the landing site for a MemberPress Community and Membership Onboarding experience.If you like the sound of this challenge, then I'd love to hear from you.

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 0
Category Website development + 4

Virtual Internship Opportunity: Computer Science

Our organization is able to offer a virtual internship opportunity for one or more computer science students or teams.The primary focus for the student will be: Developing an online website to handle the onboarding of new clients, account maintenance, and digital scan storage as well as billing features. This may involve any or all of the following:Website Development - Conducting a needs analysis to determine which platform is most suitable for our website; building a fully-functioning website for our organization.Application Development - Selecting the best technologies for creating the application or feature (i.e. a real-time chat function); creating a fully-functioning application.Software Evaluation (e.g. new CRM) - Conducting a needs analysis; researching available options; evaluating the options within the context of our organization's budget, immediate needs, and projected needs.Our goal at the end of this experience is: Website Development - For the student(s) to complete a fully functioning website with complete back-endOther duties the student may complete could include: including easy to read documentation on how to upgrade, update or replace the design elements. The planned target for this documentation is the graphic designer working with a marketing team.We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern using these communication tools: (list expected channels - eg. Riipen messaging, email). Pretaped or live webinar.Student's primary contact: (Natalie Durdle,owner)Secondary contact: n/a at this time. Company has one employee.

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 0
Category Marketing - general + 4

Virtual Internship Opportunity: (Restaurant Design)

I am looking for one to three teams to take on the challenge of designing a new BBQ restaurant (details to be given after the receipt of signed NDA and non-compete)The primary focus for the student will be: Providing a design that can be used as is to approach anyone from architects to potential investorsOur goal at the end of this experience is: To have as complete a package as possible with color sketches, layout and design elements, everything someone would need to either visualize this restaurant (or one of two related elements, one of which is a matching delivery/pick-up-only location), start fundraising, or start building.Other duties the student may complete could include: photos of materials samples, relevant budgetsWe will plan to communicate with our virtual intern using these communication tools: (list expected channels - eg. Riipen messaging, company slack, email)Primarily I would be using things like ZOOM, Google Hangout for live conferences, however I would like the option of creating static webinars so that the students can refer back to the details. Email for quick stuff. I do not generally use chat.Student's primary contact: (Natalie Durdle, owner)Secondary contact: NA, business is in the development stage

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 0
Category Marketing - general + 4

Financial Product Creation using Porter's Value Chain

Through the use of a multi-stakeholder investor-worker cooperative (Blue Dragon Film Ventures), an intentional community, and an internal barter dollar (non-fungible, non-crypto) system, veterans and the veteran community will be able to benefit from high revenue movie projects as well as creating investor-owned projects designed to offer employment, food security, housing, and low cost education and medical services to the veteran community.The successful student team will create a new personal services financial planning product designed to benefit veterans and veteran first responders vulnerable to homelessness and unemployment. After signing a non-disclosure/non-compete agreement, students will be provided a clear understanding of what is expected and how their work will benefit the veteran community.Students will be required to have a working knowledge of Porter's Value Chain and already capable of performing a Value Chain Analysis with minimal instruction and supervision. The successful team will be comprised of self-starters who enjoy a challenge, problem solving, and like the idea of combining business with a not-for-profit solution.Please note, that students will not be provided instruction on Porter's Value Chain. They themselves are expected to be able to provide that analysis for others within a larger product. The final product will be provided free of charge as a Kajabi or Kajabi-style drip course.

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 0
Category Website development + 3

MediaWiki Template for Market Research Project

The Project Students will design an easy to understand and navigate MediaWiki template for a national on-going market research project. The MediaWiki will be used by various members of a multi-stakeholder investor-worker cooperative (Blue Dragon Film Ventures) to create and cross reference market research data for their geographic location in terms of food security, veteran populations, and relevant film interests of the local population as well as preferred distribution medium.Blue Dragon Film VenturesThrough the use of a multi-stakeholder investor-worker cooperative structure, intentional community, and internal barter dollar (non-fungible, non-crypto) system, veterans and the veteran community will be able to benefit from high revenue movie projects as well as creating investor-owned projects designed to offer employment, food security, housing, and low cost education and medical services to the veteran community.You will be creating the visual identity component of our web presence which will act as the outside landing site for a Kajabi Community and Membership Onboarding experience.If you like the sound of this challenge, then I'd love to hear from you.Students will be expected to provide:A MediaWiki Template Web copy as needed to explain categories and template standardizationA team with excellent research skills and keen sense of UI Design as it applies to novice and intermediate web researchers would be the ideal candidate for this project.

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 0
Category Website development + 4

Tiny Forest Action Plan: Montreal

"A healthy business ecosystem is a web of mutually beneficial partnerships that enhance the quality of life and add value to everything and everyone taking part in the journey." ~Spirit Wolf Entertainment Value Statement. "An entrepreneur is someone who is willing to live a few years like most people won't, so that he can spend the rest of his life like most people can't." - UnknownAs part of an inter-related group of non-arm's length projects, the internal College for Production Film Professionals is designed to build a top tier production company capable of big budget theatrical film production. Students are expected to behave as employees from Day One. They will participate in a highly cooperative, non-standard training program intended to develop good work habits organically through experience; develop corporate resources and assets for film production; as well as act as film crew for several commercial projects where their labor is an intrinsic part of the production budget. They will be living in various conditions mimicking real-world situations as regards film production - both low and high budget.This will include tents, off-road remote locations, urban environments with limited accessibility, travel under various conditions that could range from RV to camelback. They will be expected to fill all production positions under professional supervision. As such, they will be required to move equipment under all weather conditions, put up and take down stages, sets, and living accommodations. They will be required to participate in all cooking, cleaning, and kitchen duties. The goal is not just to train someone who could fill one specific job role within an established production company, but for students to participate in the actual production of several independent film and tv projects where their participation is a way to finance the projects, and to train future employees who will be expected to operate within a highly mobile and flexible film crew in terms of cross training and the ability to adapt to unpredictable situations domestically and overseas. Students will be expected to create and facilitate several community tie-in projects that will have various levels of visibility as charity or special interest projects. As a result, the students and the productions activities will be under scrutiny from special interest and political groups even before any films are made public. The primary focus for this course internship would be a stakeholder engagement strategy to create a Tiny Forest campaign that would be implemented by the future Spirit Wolf students based on the needs assessment and the information in the strategy document. Students of the Production program would be responsible (after the fact) for developing campaign materials, contacting and converting necessary stakeholders in exchange for like kind consideration. (details to be provided after signed NDA returned to Otsukaiban)Our goal at the end of this experience is: To have the interested parties who would need to be approached, engaged, and converted to the plan identified (without utilizing the company name or details of the project) and a strategy plan developed that could direct the production students as to how to proceed with developing and getting permission as well as funding for the campaign.We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern team using these communication tools: Riipen messaging, Zoom, emailStudent's primary contact: Natalie Durdle (owner, Otsukaiban/Spirit Wolf Productions)

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 0
Category Market research + 3

Author Survey: Merchandised Book Series

"A healthy business ecosystem is a web of mutually beneficial partnerships that enhance the quality of life and add value to everything and everyone taking part in the journey." ~Spirit Wolf Entertainment Value Statement. "An entrepreneur is someone who is willing to live a few years like most people won't, so that he can spend the rest of his life like most people can't." - UnknownAs part of an inter-related group of non-arm's length projects, the internal College for Production Film Professionals is designed to build a top tier production company capable of big budget theatrical film production. Students are expected to behave as employees from Day One. They will participate in a highly cooperative, non-standard training program intended to develop good work habits organically through experience; develop corporate resources and assets for film production; as well as act as film crew for several commercial projects where their labor is an intrinsic part of the production budget. They will be living in various conditions mimicking real-world situations as regards film production - both low and high budget.This will include tents, off-road remote locations, urban environments with limited accessibility, travel under various conditions that could range from RV to camelback. They will be expected to fill all production positions under professional supervision. As such, they will be required to move equipment under all weather conditions, put up and take down stages, sets, and living accommodations. They will be required to participate in all cooking, cleaning, and kitchen duties. The goal is not just to train someone who could fill one specific job role within an established production company, but for students to participate in the actual production of several independent film and tv projects where their participation is a way to finance the projects, and to train future employees who will be expected to operate within a highly mobile and flexible film crew in terms of cross training and the ability to adapt to unpredictable situations domestically and overseas. Students will be expected to create and facilitate several community tie-in projects that will have various levels of visibility as charity or special interest projects. As a result, the students and the productions activities will be under scrutiny from special interest and political groups even before any films are made public. Part of the marketing strategy for the film projects includes a serialized novel published in a print magazine to complement an array of characters from the tv series. This is intended to be followed up with coordinated books by various top sci-fi/romance authors (think Jayne Ann Krentz or Laurell K Hamilton) who would write to an in-progress plotline generally providing the backstory or details generally provided by fanfiction currently. The primary focus for this course internship would be an author survey to identify the general concerns, bias, and opinions the desired authors might have about the project as well as barriers to agreement. Our goal at the end of this experience is to have an objective understanding of what the authors would expect from a pitch, the preferred contractual arrangements, any barriers to agreement based on remuneration or business concerns as the obvious and any barriers present but not normally mentioned. Ideally, we should be able to use this survey (run against less obvious authors as a marketing pitch) to increase awareness of the company while still being able to formulate a pitch for the less accessible authors without negatively prejudicing their opinion of the project. We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern team using these communication tools: Riipen messaging, Zoom, emailStudent's primary contact: Natalie Durdle (owner, Otsukaiban/Spirit Wolf Productions)

Admin Natalie Durdle
Matches 0
Category Communications + 3